Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time to save

A year ago I told my friends and colleagues that, in a couple of years we will have more poor and below poverty people than we had in the 60's. Everyone thought that i am kidding. But now they realised that i was right. Well its not the time to prove who is right and who is wrong. Its time to realise that we are not doing the right thing. I dont want to talk about the statistics or government records. I am here to tell what an average person can do.

Most of the Americans either dont have a job or are earning less money than we should earn. There are a lot to do to improve and get our country to a better position. But to start, at first we need to stabilze individual citizens position. We cant earn more money but we can start spending less money. I always advice people on savings.

It is a known fact that Americans spent more money than others.  But its time to change things. I have been to more than 30 countries and realised the difference between us and others. Many of you know that i am a 24 years old successful professional accountant making more than 80k a year. But only few of you know how i spend them. In the next part i will talk about how i live and save money. In the third part i will tell you about how an average American can live a better life and what are the waste spendings he/she can avoid.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sit and talk

Some people say that silence solves the problem. But its not true in all the situations. Sometimes silence increases the problem. When people argue for small reasons, they fight over it and then stop talking to each other. This is not good especially in family arguements. The only aolution to solve it is to sit and talk.
Most people think that its the toughest thing to do. But its the easiest way to solve the dispute. It takes a minute or two to solve a problem but many of us dont do. There are few reasons for why people dont prefer this way. Some people are afraid to talk, some people dont talk due to their pride and some people has no idea of what to do.
Later they realise that they could have solved the problem but its too late but until then the problem evolves and that makes it more complicate to solve.
The very first thing to do is to think with a cool and neutral mind. The next step is to talk to him/her. Even he/she will have the same problem or may be waiting for you to start.
Talking  and convincing others is an art. The way differs for different cases. I will talk about convincing different people in another post, including convincing parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, colleagues, strangers and boss.


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